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Last Updated:
10/26/2024 7:51 PM




We are looking for qualified foster homes in the Midwest.  In order to become a foster home you must be able to provide a loving and caring environment. You will need to complete an application, provide references and complete a home visit.  Here is a pdf version of the application if you have problems opening the Word version.  Note: You will be asked to read and comply with our Foster Agreement as part of the foster approval process.


Here is an article written by one of our foster homes about the joy they experienced with one of their foster dogs, Buddy.  Please consider fostering a CBBCR dog!  Why We Foster - The Story of Buddy


What's so great about fostering a dog? 

Easy--you just provided a dog with hope to have a long wonderful forever life!

If that’s not enough reason, we have several more:

1. Fostering gives a dog a second chance at life.

2. Fostering a dog is a wonderful, life-affirming project for the entire family

3. Fostering a dog is fun and rewarding.

4. Fostering a dog offers the company of canines to those unable to make a long-term commitment.

5. Fostering a dog means you can ask for a dog that fits into your lifestyle

The most common question asked: Why did that dog end up in the shelter? Does it have major behavioral issues?

No, not all dogs that end up in rescues or shelters have behavioral issues. Whether it be due to economic issues with the family or the family did not understand the commitment to own a pet, the dog suffers. They don't understand why there were left down a dirt road or left in a ditch to fend for themselves. They know their situation changed drastically and now they need to fend for themselves.

This is where we need your HELP! We "pull" dogs from high kill shelters where they might not ever have a chance at finding a loving home. We go through a series of temperament testing and a health evaluation on all the dogs we help in the shelters. We can only pull the number of dogs for the number of foster homes available.

  Web Image: Foster Page Zip

The advantages to fostering are no long term commitments, and veterinary expenses are paid by Come Bye BC Rescue.

You can foster as often or as little as you wish.

The addition of a dog brings immeasurable richness and joy to the household. Foster dogs will repay you for your patience and love by giving back ten times more love of their own. And when the dog goes off to a loving new home for life, your heart will swell with joy. What could possibly be more gratifying than to save a life and create a "happy ever after" ending?

If you're on the fence and just don't know if fostering is right for you, we'll be happy to put you in touch with a foster family and they can share their foster experiences with you.

Christmas is the time of giving! do you have a warm bed and some time to give to a dog that would otherwise spend its time in a shelter or worse??



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