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Last Updated:
2/5/2025 8:29 AM



Come Bye Border Collie Rescue


Dear CBBCR Supporter:

This newsletter is written in memory of our board member, Mary Gitzen, of Lafayette, Indiana. She was a valued member of CBBCR and provided our volunteers and adopters with her knowledge. Every moment was a teaching moment for Mary. She passed away on June 22nd after several years of struggling with breast cancer. You can add your memories of Mary to a memorial page set up by the funeral home at the following link: http://hosting-5049.tributes.com/show/Mary-F.-Gitzen-94036951.

Come Bye Border Collie has a busy list of upcoming events for the rest of the year! We hope that you will stop by to see us if we are in your area. Our volunteers also love to see the dogs that we have helped foster or are part of the adoption process to help place these dogs in homes. The dogs may or may not remember us when we see them after the adoption, but we sure remember them and they stay in our hearts forever!

Here is a list of events we plan to attend over the next few months along with some of the CBBCR foster dogs:

August 25, 2012        Bark in the Park, Gregg Park, Vincennes, IN

September 22, 2012  Strut Your Mutt, Queeny Park, St. Louis, MO

                                Here is the link to our team’s page for the Strut Your Mutt event. We have a
                                $ 1,000 fundraising goal.  Please help us reach our goal by registering to join 
                                us at this event or choose to sign up as a virtual walker.  Either way, you will be                                 helping CBBCR raise the funds needed to continue our mission to rescue and
                                rehome Border Collies in need.  Remember to select CBBCR as your team!

October 6, 2012        Purina Pet Project, Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO (St. Louis)

                                Here is a link to the video of the first Pet Project Event in 2011 which better
                                describes what the Pet Project event is all about.

October 27, 2012      Halloween Event, Belleville, IL [more details to come]

November 10-11, 2012      Chicago Pet Show, Prairie Centers at Kane County Fairground, St. Charles, IL
                                        http://www.chicagopetshow.com/  [tentative]

December 8-9, 2012  Pet-acular Holiday Bazaar, Purina Farms, Grey Summit, MO (St. Louis)

Our current foster dogs consist of one particular senior dog named Rain.  Here is his story:

Rain is a senior Border Collie mix who is loving life! When Rain came into rescue he did not feel very well. We had a hard time getting him to eat his food. He had to have some extensive dental work done. Now, we can't get his food to him fast enough! When he sees his dog bowl, his tail starts wagging. He is good with kids and other dogs. Two of his favorite activities are going for walks and riding in the car. When he sees the car keys in his foster's hand, he will run to the door all excited! Rain is a happy go lucky boy, who loves hanging out with his family. Rain is being fostered in northern Illinois. Click on the link to go to Rain's web page for more information about adoption and sponsoring medical expenses for the rescue.

We are pleased to see our adopted dogs in the news!  A puppy in need of rescue was brought to our attention and Lili was called upon for her help in fostering this active little guy!  You can see Nahmi in action and read about his family’s accomplishments in the News section of our website.



Facebook Page – For those of you who are on Facebook, be sure to look for the “Come Bye Border Collie Rescue” page at www.facebook.com/comebyebcrescue.  We also "tweet" occasionally!

Intake – We are proud to announce that CBBCR took in 35 dogs in 2011 and adopted 30 dogs to their forever homes!  In addition, we offer Courtesy Listings to those individuals who are in need of rehoming their BC for which we may not have an open foster home.  We also work closely with other rescues that may be able to take in these dogs.  Our potential adopters are encouraged to check the Courtesy Listings and postings of other BC rescue websites if they cannot find the right match within our rescue.  If you would be willing to volunteer to help process adoption applications, we would love to have you join our hard-working team of volunteers! 

Fosters –The rescue houses all foster dogs with private families, who help the foster dogs adjust by ensuring they have sufficient food, grooming, basic house manners, medical care, play and above all, love!  Veterinary care and supplies for heartworm and flea/tick prevention are provided by CBBCR.  Let us know if you would consider taking a CBBCR foster dog into your home.  For more information on fostering a CBBCR dog, click here.

Remember that we can use your help in various ways:  Schnucks escrip program, merchandise sales, Purina points, eBay sales, PayPal donations.  See our Fundraisers page for more information on these programs.

CBBCR is proud to be associated with the St. Louis Pet Lovers Coalition and the Metro East Chapter of the St. Louis Pet Lovers Coalition, whose goal is to foster collaborative efforts of local animal welfare groups and the community to promote responsible pet ownership and to increase the save rate of companion animals in our region.

Thank you for your continued support of Come Bye Border Collie Rescue.  We appreciate your donations, help with transports, and letters from adopters, photos, and even humorous stories about your BC.  We are building our library of stories entitled "Happy Tails" about adopted CBBCR foster dogs and would love to hear from you!  Send your stories and pictures to comebyebcr@hotmail.com.


Elaine Wilson
Come Bye Border Collie Rescue


1326 Mercantile Dr., Box 232, Highland, IL 62249

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